
Vital Roots: Awakening Prana & Pelvic Vitality

Embark on an invigorating journey with this Marma Yoga session, designed to infuse your body with vitality and enhance the health of your pelvic region. Through a harmonious blend of targeted marma point stimulation, dynamic stretches, and mindful breathing techniques, this class aims to boost circulation and energize the pranic flow within. Experience the fluidity of movement with variations of the cat/cow pose, tailored to engage different aspects of the spine. Delve deep into the hips, unlocking tension and fostering mobility. Hands-on engagement with marma points will deepen your connection to your body’s energy pathways. As you move through the class, feel the awakening of your foundational roots, leaving you feeling rejuvenated, well-hydrated, and firmly grounded—like a tree nourished and stable within the earth.

Serenity Spine: Marma Yoga for a Supple Back